Wooster Hay Auction & Monthly Equipment Auction

Wooster Hay Auction
Every Saturday 9:00 am


IMG_1043A Saturday hay auction. Auction is held at The Town and Country Co-op feed and grain facility located at 427 West Henry Street, Wooster, Ohio. At the junction of US Route 30 and State Route 3 South. Across from the Wayne County Fairgrounds.

Hay, straw, corn, firewood and more selling every Saturday.
Selling by the ton or bale. Scales available. We welcome your consignments. Feed and firewood are in demand. NOTE THE STARTING TIME. Consignors will be paid auction day.  Payments by the buyers are due sale day.  No pay.  No hay. The Town and Country drive thru is open on Saturday mornings for your feed and pet supplies. Plan to attend.  MACHINERY AUCTION IS THE LAST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH.

July 21st, 2018 Auction Report

First cutting New Hay $140.-$190/ton; $3.00/ Bale;   New Round by the ton $67.50-$105;  Lg. Sq. $55/ton;  New 2nd cutting $340-$360/ton; Lg. Sq. $200/ton; 3rd cutting $400/ton;   Straw  $110/ton; Round $90/ton.    Eggs $1.25.-$1.50.

Machinery Auction: Saturday, July 28th, 2018 9:00 AM

July 28th Equipment

Paul 3000# portable cattle scale w/ weights , no wheels;  Brillion  8 ft. field cultivator; single axle trailer; and more by auction day. Hay, straw, eggs, and produce at 9AM followed by tools and equipment.

TERMS- Cash or Good Check

AUCTIONEERS- Dave Acker and Nick DeFelice

FIREWOOD SELLS FIRST at THE WOOSTER HAY AUCTION this Sat. at 9AM. We welcome Firewood buyers and sellers.  330 464-1302

WE NEED STRAW. We have buyers for small bales of straw. Plan to consign yours. WOOSTER HAY AUCTION every Sat. 9AM. 330 464-1302


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