WWM Properties, LTD. Auction
Saturday, November 14th 2020 12:00 PM NOON
Will sell the following real estate at absolute auction on site at 1788 and 1790 Eagle Pass, Wooster, Ohio. From State Route 585 at North end of Wooster go East on Benden Drive to auction site. Or from Back Orrville Rd. ,East of 585, go South on Eagle Pass.
Real Estate Description
A lot of good buildings no longer needed by current owner. A lot of business opportunities. 2 shops. Steel frame buildings. 3 sided buildings and enclosed buildings. A lot of good warehouse space. OH doors. Loading docks. This property will suit the needs of many business people. Own them. Rent them. Lease them. Over 30,000 sq. ft. of buildings. Offered in 2 separate parcels and in combination. Buy the part that suits your needs or buy it all. Property is currently zoned 1-1 (office/limited industrial). To change use would take a variance from Board of Building and Zoning Appeals.
Terms on Real Estate
This property sells to the high bidder. No minimums. No reserves. No buyer premium. You pay what you bid. Terms are 10% down day of auction and balance due at closing in approximately 45 days. Arrange your financing and come bid your judgment. Land continues to be a solid investment.
Auction by order of:
WWM Properties, LTD. Owner
Jack Gant
C: (330) 465-7692
Dave Acker
Auctioneer / Realtor
C: (330) 466-4080
246 W. Liberty Street
Wooster, OH 44691
4939 Millbrook Road
Wooster, OH 44691
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