Drone Services
Aerial Photos
All aerial photos are shot in 4K Full HD. They can be edited in photoshop to show property outlines, nearby businesses, easements, etc.
Photos will be shared via Google Drive for instant access to view, download, and share.
Aerial Videos
All videos will be shot in 4K Full HD, edited in Premiere Pro, and After Effects.
Videos will be shared via YouTube as an unlisted playlist for instant access to view, download, and share. Unlisted playlists are not available to the public but can be viewed and shared by anyone who has access to the video link.
Due to the large file size, all videos will be backed up offsite and can be re-shared / re-downloaded upon request.
Development Aerials
Commercial Development Aerials
Residential Development Aerials
Aerials Timeline
Breaking Ground
Moving Ground
Content Received
Every Week
Every Week
360 Degree Video
4 Corner Photos of The Property
At Completion
All Weekly & Monthly Photos and Videos
Start to Finish Video
At Completion
360 Degree Video
4 Corner Photos of The Property
All Weekly & Monthly Photos and Videos
Start to Finish Video
246 W. Liberty Street
Wooster, OH 44691
Disclaimer: Although information contained herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable, neither Donald K Gant Realty nor any of its clients makes any guarantees or representations, express or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of such information. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only. Neither Donald K Gant Realty nor any of its clients accepts any liability for loss resulting from reliance on such information. There may be material differences between projected results and actual results.